Data Catalog Tables

The hydrodata data catalog consists of a set of objects (tables) that can be joined together by common keys. The “tables” are represented by a yaml file rather that a SQL database so the information can version controlled, branched, promoted and labeled. The yaml file is located in the hydrodata repo in the folder hydrodata/data_catalog/hydrodata_catalog.yaml.

The model is a star schema with a fact table called “data_catalog_entry” that represents a file path into the /hydrodata file share and metadata about the data in that file path. The file path may contain placeholder keys, for example:


The keys {wy} and {wy_daynum} are replaced by the water year and water year day number of the time being requested for this daily parflow result.

This model is used by a python API module to request absolute path names to hydrodata files with filters using the dimension attributes in the model tables. In this way code can get access to files without hard coding absolute path names.

Click on a table name to see the available values for each table that may be used.