id |
title |
description |
driver |
netcdf |
NetCDF |
NetCDF file |
Driver that reads NetCDF files and returns xarray data arrays |
pfb |
Standard PFB outputs without pfmetadata |
Driver that reads pfb files and returns a numpy array |
pfmetadata |
PFB Files |
PFB files that have associated pfmetadata |
Driver that reads a collection of PFB files and returns xarray data arrays |
C.pfb |
PFB Files for CLM variables |
PFB files with CLM output variables |
drv_clm |
CLM divers |
driver files for CLM |
vegm |
vegm |
vegm input file for clm |
vegp |
vegp |
vegp input file for clm |
pfyml |
ParFlow Yml |
ParFlow yml file for run specification |
pftcl |
ParFlow tcl script |
Tcl script for a parflow run |
pfidb |
ParFlow database |
PFIDB file for a parflow run |
pftxt |
ParFlow text file |
File formatted as a single column in pf order where first row is nx, ny, zy |
zarr |
Zarr file format |
tiff |
TIFF file |
pfsol |
ParFlow Solid File |
Solid file for defining 3D ParFlow domains |
sa |
ParFlow Ascii file |
Ascii file where the rows are in standard ParFlow order as specified by ParFlow manual |