id |
title |
description |
variable_type |
unit_type |
has_z |
air_temp |
Air Temperature |
atmospheric |
temperature |
aridity_index |
Aridity Index |
Aridity Index precipitation/ (precipitaiton -Evaporaiton) |
climate |
atmospheric_pressure |
Atmospheric Pressure |
atmospheric |
pressure |
clm_run |
run_file |
downward_longwave |
Downward Longwave Radiation |
atmospheric |
intensity |
downward_shortwave |
Downward Shortwave Radiation |
atmospheric |
intensity |
drainage_area |
Drainage Area |
topography |
area |
distance_stream_lin |
Linear Distance to Streams |
Shortest linear distance to streams |
stream_network |
length |
east_windspeed |
Zonal windspeed |
atmospheric |
rate |
elevation |
Processed elevation |
Final processed elevation |
topography |
length |
evapotranspiration |
Evapotranspiration |
land_surface |
rate |
flow_direction_grass |
Grass Flow Direction |
D4 Flow directions with Grass numbering (2=up, 4=left, 6=down, 8=right) |
stream_network |
flow_direction |
Flow Direction |
D4 Flow Direcitons with the following numbering: 1=down, 2=left, 3=up, 4=right |
stream_network |
ground_evap |
Ground evaporation |
ground surface evaporation rate |
land_surface |
rate |
ground_evap_heat |
Ground evaporation heat flux |
evaporation heat flux from ground |
land_surface |
rate |
ground_heat |
ground heat flux |
ground heat flux |
land_surface |
intensity |
ground_temp |
ground temperature |
ground temperature |
subsurface |
temperature |
infiltration |
Infiltration rate |
infiltration |
subsurface |
rate |
irrigation |
Irrigation Flux |
irrigation applied at surface |
surface_water |
rate |
latent_heat |
Latent Heat Flux |
latent heat flux from canopy height to atmosphere |
land_surface |
intensity |
latitude |
latitude |
location |
lat_lon |
longitude |
longitude |
location |
lat_lon |
lat_lon |
lat_lon |
Latitude/Longitude in z dimension |
location |
lat_lon |
north_windspeed |
Meridional windspeed |
atmospheric |
rate |
mannings |
Mannings N |
Mannings roughness coefficient |
surface_water |
mask |
mask |
Mask showing active domain |
topography |
outward_longwave_radiation |
Outward Longwave radiation |
outgoing long-wave radiation from ground+canopy |
land_surface |
intensity |
parflow_run |
ParFlow Run files |
Run scripts and other model configuration files |
run_file |
permeability |
permeability |
hydrogeology |
rate |
pf_indicator |
Indicator file for subsufrace units in ParFlow |
hydrogeology |
unitless |
pf_solid |
ParFlow Solid File |
File to define a domain shape for Parflow |
run_file |
pf_flowbarrier |
ParFlow Flow Barrier |
File defining the depth to flow barier |
hydrogeology |
pme |
Precipitation minus evaporation (net recharge) |
Recharge forcing used for ParFlow spinups |
climate |
rate |
porosity |
Porosity |
hydrogeology |
unitless |
precipitation |
Precipitation |
atmospheric |
length |
pressure_head |
Pressure Head |
subsurface |
length |
ss_pressure_head |
Steady State Pressure Head |
Presssure head at the end of spinup |
subsurface |
pressure |
pressure_next |
Pressure Head at the following timestep |
subsurface |
pressure |
saturation |
Saturation |
subsurface |
unitless |
sensible_heat |
Sensible heat flux |
sensible heat from canopy height to atmosphere |
land_surface |
intensity |
slope_x |
Slope x |
Slope in the x direciton (Grid centered) |
topography |
slope_y |
Slope y |
Slope in the y direction (Grid centered) |
topography |
soil_moisture |
Soil Moisture |
subsurface |
unitless |
soil_temp |
Soil Temperature |
soil temperature |
subsurface |
temperature |
specific_humidity |
Specific Humidity |
atmospheric |
stream_order |
Kahler stream order |
Kahler stream order |
stream_network |
stream_segments |
Stream segment IDs |
Stream segment ID numbers (0 values outside of stream) |
stream_network |
streamflow |
Streamflow |
land_surface |
volume_flux |
subbasins |
Watershed subbains IDs |
Subbasins calculated from topographic processing |
swe |
Snow water equivalent |
surface_water |
length |
swe_melt |
Snow melt |
Difference in SWE over a given time period |
land_surface |
length |
topographic_index |
Topographic Index |
topography |
transpiration |
Transpiration rate |
transpiration rate |
land_surface |
transpiration_leaves |
Evapotranspiration from leaves |
evaporation+transpiration from leaves |
land_surface |
van_genuchten_alpha |
Van Genuchten Alpha |
alpha parameter for van Genucten curve |
hydrogeology |
unitless |
van_genuchten_n |
Van Genuchten n |
n parameter for van Genuchten curve |
hydrogeology |
unitless |
veg_type_IGBP |
Vegetation Type |
Vegetation type using IGBP classifications |
land_surface |
unitless |
water_table_depth |
Water Table Depth |
subsurface |
length |
huc_map |
topography |
HUC map |